I just want to let you know I will have my first feature show tomorrow. I'm so excited about it, I hope you guys come to enjoy with me one hour ... I am open to suggestions and advices ...
let's see what happens
kisses for all of you Quote
I just want to let you know I will have my first feature show tomorrow. I'm so excited about it, I hope you guys come to enjoy with me one hour ... I am open to suggestions and advices ...
let's see what happens
kisses for all of you
Sooooooooo how did it go ? Quote
I just want to let you know I will have my first feature show tomorrow. I'm so excited about it, I hope you guys come to enjoy with me one hour ... I am open to suggestions and advices ...
let's see what happens
kisses for all of you
what is a feature show? I am new to this whole thing Quote
Contact broadcasting to set one up! broadcastersupport@vs.com Quote
Sooooooooo how did it go ?
Awww Karlyn
thanks for asking me, a little to late to read this but ... I was very nervous but it was good, I think is a great way to get new friends ... I hope I can do it better next time ... hahaha I felt like a "virgin" on my first time ... hahahaha Quote
I miss you a lot!
how are your vacations going?
I am thinking on doing a feature too, give me a call for some advices!!!
X O X O Quote
I miss you a lot!
how are your vacations going?
I am thinking on doing a feature too, give me a call for some advices!!!
My advice is to be yourself and have fun!!! Quote