I appreciate the ability to whisper some comments to the woman as the occasion arises. However, I would still like to see the general open chat flow; sometimes it can really spark some interesting ideas and banter. And it should give the woman a better idea of the general atmosphere and desires of her assembled fans. I have also been known to come to come to the defense of new women in particular and scold those who try to take advantage of their inexperience and nervousness with their demands and lying scams.
Interestingly when I first joined F4F back around 2005-2006 (I was away for several years and returned a few weeks back), the site was much different and had fewer, more basic options. One that was added during my previous tenure was a whisper option which allowed anyone in the room to whisper to anyone else present. Is there any consideration to bringing that back? Sometimes now I encounter rooms where personal conversations among members (and not involving the hostess) is greatly cluttering the chat screen.